* Opera's tomorrow's web today
  - uri:http://my.opera.com/chooseopera-Japan/blog/2010/05/13/tomorrows-web-today
  - Data:2010-05-15T19:00:00+0900
  - Location: Roppongi hills 40F Academy hills, 6-10-1, Roppongi, Minatoku, Tokyo
  + 19:00; arrived.
  + 19:05; room-b arrived.
    - Howcome; presentation
    - same presentation at baidu, maybe
    - The history of web
      - CERN; LHC; BH -> financial blackhole.
      - t.b.lee ; howcame work with Lee
      - picture; pipelines
      - picture; board; World Wide Web
      - picture; TBLee's pc; 
      - saito, arrived at 19:14
    - Lee. invent. HTML
    - Web is beautiful cos simple.
    - Picture; Pipeliens; inspite html tag nest. H1, H2, H3 ...
    - html is an only structure, unbeautiful document.
    - Picture; LHC's upper ground
      - Mont Blanc
    - semantics + beautiful layout => CSS
    - CSS Zen Garden
    - Netscape and MS propose there own extension
    - Opera Software apper with better CSS implement
    - Jon and genius Programer
    - opera ported not only pc, but stb, mobile, game console
    - in 1998; Howcome join opera
    - css demo w Howcome's home page; CSS3 media query
    - http://home.howcome.operaunite.com/fridge/
    + canvas
      - 2d drawing with javascript
      - fps 3d walker demo
    + video
      - codec stil not fixed
      - open standard codec 
      - feture web include video without plugins
    + CSS demo
      - font; size, italic ...
      - text-shadow 
      - CSS3 bring webpages without images ( and sw like the Photoshop )
      - border-radius: meaningless but designer want to create beatiful pages
      - box-shadow demo
      - ms core fonts is good font but..
      - WebFonts
        - able to use jp,cn,kr, but font files are too large to dist. maybe.
      - jobs's flash complaint; content is no important now.
        - apple's menu bar use images, not CSS3.
        - USE CSS, Jobs!!
        - css only demo
          - opera logo also can coded only css ( and bit complex html )
          - ms, apple, your logos too complex to code by css. We can, cos only O
      - another demo; daniels stawars lightsaber
    + how long remain web
      - 500years
        - no one can live 500y, no one can check t or f, ;-)
      - gutenberg invite printing 500yeas ago.
      - printing brings Reconquista, Renaissance, industorial/people revo. etc
      - we can read book published 500years ago
      - people who live in 500y after can also read web; facebook ,twitter ..
      - wikipedia book is so huge, we can read in web
      - standard is very important.  it is important many company compete each other
  + 19:56; finish
  + 20:00 Jon!!
    - good evening. (quiet audience)
    - self introduce
    - One Web
      - opera's vision is to provide best internet exprience on any devie
    - Background
      - founders started to work with the web in 1992, 
      - start develop 1994, + 7000$
      - people say to compete against ms, netscape, is crazy. 
    - and now
      - 750 emps. in 10 contries
      - non pc market's leading company
    - one browser core  for any platform powers one web
    - slow network are stil dominant
    - opera 10.5 a new frontier in web browsing
    - to compete big comps, positive products, feedback from community.
      - 2billion user.
    - the world fastest browser
      - not only js speed.
      - many tabs. complex spped.
    - how many people use internet ?
      - 1.6 billion; 24 % of world 
      - 41% asia, 25 % eu, 16 % na, 
    - penetration per market
      - na 74, asia 17, eu 49 , affrica 6
      - na does not left, but affrica has 94 potential
    - 2 of 3rd people has mobile phone, they can access web.
      - bb does not reach all people, mobile people growth more
      - so web developer consider mobile user, not only pc
    - opera mobile, opera mini 
    - our goal is 7 billion peoples browser
    - opera for device
      - tv/stb, not only web app, also widgets, stb controller
        - basic component of UI
    - partners; toshiba tv, wii, etc.
      - web goes everywhere
      - one web
    - incompatible platform is like going back in time
      - we can go with web browser
      - there very batutiful eco-system in WM,iPhone,Android,S60, etc
      - but they are imcopatible, 
    - smart phone market is only 14%
    - there is only one web
      - standard 
    - users surf the same content on mobile
    - how many use native app
      - 5% 
    - opera powerd day
      - breakfast with opera laptop
      - bus with opera mob
      - work with opera laptop
      - boring meeting with opera mini
      - rec with opera for wii
    - widget; separate web app.
      - w3c standard.
      - like native app.
    - opera widgets area already in the market
      - laptop, wii, archos 605 media player, mobile phone
    - the feture of web
      - TimeSharingSystem, MainFrame, PC, cloud
      - cloud is not only one solution.
        - p2p + cloud; mesh connection you want
    - opera unite
      - server in browser
      - change posibility of computing
      - unite app.example